
●vocabulary(語彙) [ハロウィントピック]→ wizard(魔法使い), witch(魔女), ghost(おばけ), mummy(ミイラ), bat(こうもり), broom(ほうき), wand(魔法の杖), vampire(吸血鬼) , astronaut (宇宙飛行士), angel(天使), soccer player(サッカー選手),Goblin(邪悪な精霊)etc [部屋]→kitchen(台所), living room(居間), bathroom(風呂場), bedroom(寝室), dining room(食堂), garage(ガレージ), attic(屋根裏部屋), garden(庭) [色&海賊]→red(赤), blue(青), black(黒), white(白), grey(灰色), brown(茶色), pink(ピンク), green(緑) ● preposition(前置詞)→ Under(下), on(上), behind(後ろ), in front of(前), in(中), next to(隣り) , near(近く) ●Grammar(文法) There’s a ….(〜がいるよ) I’m…  You are… She is… He is…We are… They are… Who is in the ….?(〜にいるのは誰?) Where is a …..?(〜はどこ?) ●lesson song(歌) ♪happy halloween ♪knock knock trick or treat  ♪hello, my friends ♪good-bye my friends ♪good morning ♪who is in the haunted house  ♪Where is the spider? ♪Go away, Goblin ♪Can you make a happy face?  ]]>



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