
[クリスマスワード] Santa Claus(サンタクロース), candy cane(アメの杖), Christmas tree(クリスマスツリー), Christmas stocking(クリスマスの靴下), reindeer(トナカイ),Christmas presents (クリスマスプレゼント), Christmas card(クリスマスカード), snowman(雪だるま),elf(小人), sleigh(そり), snowflake(雪の結晶), snowball(雪玉), yo-yo(ヨーヨー), bike(自転車), ball(ボール), jump rope(縄跳び) [クリスマスカラー]red(赤), blue(青),gold(金色), white(白), silver(銀色),orange(橙色), purple(紫), green(緑)  preposition(前置詞)→ Under the table(下), on the piano(上), behind the snowman(後ろ),behind the TV(後ろ), in front of the house(前), in the toilet(中), next to the computer(隣り) , next to the CD player,near(近く) [形] I can see a triangle(三角), circle(円), diamond(ダイヤ), oval(楕円), rectangle(長方形), heart(ハート), square(四角), star(ホシ) 《文法》 ・What do you want(何が欲しいん?)→I want a 〜.(ボク〜が欲しいわぁ。) ・Do you want a ~?(〜欲しい?)→Yes,I do./No,I don’t . ・I want to eat ~!(〜が食べたいわぁ!) ・What (color/food/animals) do you like?→I like~. 《表現》 This is for you.(これあげるわ。)→How nice!(わー、いいーやん!) Let’s play a game!(ゲームしよか!)→Good idea!(いいねえ!) Wash your hands.(手、洗いや。)→Ok,Mom.(オッケー、ママ。) Brush your teeth.(歯、磨きや。)→OK,Dad(パパ、わかったって〜。) Take a bath.(お風呂入りや。)→all right!(りょうかーいッ。) Whose turn?(ダレの番?)→My turn.(アタシの番や。) Dinner’s ready!(晩ご飯出来たで〜。)→I’m coming.
(今行くわ〜。) 《レッスンソング》 ♫Hello reindeer  ♫Good-bye snowman  ♫Santa’s on his way ♫Genki Christmas ♫Warm up ♫Santa’s on his way ♫on in under song ]]>



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